Cake Art Courses
The flowers prepared with spatula techniques are processed on the cake with special creams and their decoration.
Flower Group with Spatula
Cake Art Course
- Using Spatula technique
- Working on 3 different flowers and leaf with the spatula technique
- Preparation edible rolyef cream
- Coloring cream
- Preparation special cream (for the ground)
- Work on of ground techniques
- Painting ground techniques
- Decoration
Flower Group with Spatula
Cake Art Course
- Pasta kaplama (maket) teknikleri
- Keskin kenar yapımı
- Pasta üzeri el boyama teknikleri
- Ortanca çiçeği boyama
- Ortanca yaprağı boyama
- Transparan boyama
- Renklendirme ve tonlama
- Ortanca çiçeğinin şeker hamuru ile pratik teknik ile çalışılması
- Dekorasyon
Animal Work with Spatula
Cake Art Course
- Using Spatula technique
- Working the tiger model with spatula technique
- Tail, feathers, foot, face and teeth details
- Preparation edible rolyef cream
- Coloring cream
- Preparation special cream (for the ground)
- Work on of ground techniques
- Painting ground techniques
- Decoration